Meta, Microsoft, Roblox, will build the metaverse

Kardo Tinambunan
3 min readDec 16, 2021


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hello friends of technology lovers, this time we will discuss about the metaverse. Previously I have also discussed about the metaverse but in the scope of cryptocurrencies. If you are interested in knowing it, you can see below.

or how the metaverse will develop in the future, I have also discussed it here.

After Facebook changed its company name to meta, immediately the metaverse became the subject of discussion in domestic and foreign media. In fact, many large companies also want to build their own metaverse. So let’s take a look at some of the companies that will join forces to develop the metaverse sector.


Actually, Facebook has had the idea for a very long time to build a metavese, as evidenced by Facebook having acquired a Virtual reality company called Oculus, where Oculus will serve as a liaison between the real world and the virtual world. According to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, the virtual world they built represents the real world where someone who can enter the virtual world will be able to do many things like in the real world. For example, playing games, buying pus, building a house, and even we can build an office where we will work later. so definitely imagine how this virtual world in the future.


Apart from Facebook (Meta), it seems that Microsoft also doesn’t want to be left behind in this sector. Within a few days of Meta discussing their desire to enter the metaverse sector, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella also informed the public that they are also interested in the metaverse. From both sides where Meta will bring the real world to the metaverse, Microsoft will instead bring the metaverse world into the real world. Where’s the difference? As explained above, the purpose of Meta is to build a metaverse, then Microsoft is the other way around. In Microsoft you only need to use Mesh or what we call the gateway between the metaverse and the real world.

Epic Games

You must know this one game company where one of their games is called Fortnite. Fortnite is not just an ordinary video game. in fortnite you can do many things like party, watch virtual concerts and even attend the launch of the latest starwars film with the director. In epic games you can also build your own virtual land, and you can even create your own game.


Apart from the above companies, it turns out that video game companies such as roblox are also interested in building a metaverse world. Roblox is an online gaming platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users



Kardo Tinambunan

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