Some Future Technologies change Civilization

Kardo Tinambunan
3 min readDec 20, 2021


Along with the times, technology is also developing very rapidly. This is, of course, the result of both individual and company innovations, which are always developing technology so that they can dominate the market.

A simple example is where Symbian technology was designed for Nokia products and even dominated the mobile phone market in its time, then Blackberry with its OS which was also famous then followed by Android and IOS.

The development of this technology of course has a positive impact on society in general where the function of technology is basically to help and facilitate human work. However, if a person cannot adapt quickly, of course, they will experience setbacks.

Call it one of them Nokia where since the presence of Android OS Nokia is still optimistic about their operating system where Nokia at that time used the Windows Lumia OS.

So let’s take a look at the technology that will be booming in the future and whoever targets the market first, they are the winners.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Indeed, for now it has been widely used by large industries in the work process. The reason many companies use AI in the work process is because it has more value than humans in general.

For example, a simple example of a customer service chat bot compared to humans, of course, chat bots are more efficient. The AI system in the chat bot can work fully without stopping and can even reply to messages very quickly. In addition, AI also has advantages compared to humans such as. Work quickly, minimize errors and can even go as far as Help Automating Jobs.

IOT (internet of things)

Reported by Wired, IoT is a technology that allows an object to be able to send data via a connection without the help of computers and humans.

Simply put, IoT works by utilizing programming instructions whose every command can generate interactions between other connected devices automatically without user intervention, even remotely. The application of IoT itself is so much that we can even see it in our daily lives, for example.


where the IOT system is used to drive a car without a driver as a controller.

Smart City

Where we can monitor the conditions around us in real time, for example traffic conditions, weather, earthquakes and so on.


Metaverse does sound very new to our ears. But the metaverse is also a new breakthrough and will likely boom in the future. According to wikipedia metaverse is the Internet part of a shared virtual reality that is made as close as possible to the real world in the second stage of the Internet world. to put it simply metaverse aims to build a virtual world where we can buy land, build houses, interact with people from around the world and so on.

Cyber Security

If we talk about technology, of course we must also not forget about Cyber Security. This is of course related because all the topics we discussed above of course must have very good security so that the system can avoid hacker attacks that can damage the system that has been built.

I think those are some of the trends that will boom in the future and even more, for example VR, Blockchain, nano chips and many more.



Kardo Tinambunan

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